Thursday, February 12, 2009

60 in Febuary!

It was so gorgeous yesterday, man no need for winter coats!!!

So we head out to get some exercise, Katelyn decided to warm up by chasing the cat around the porch a few times! Which then in turn skuffed her new shoes, all well she'll be out of them soon enough.

Time for a break Kookie was getting too tired!

We walked all over the place, so we stopped to swing on the hammock for awhile.

Look at those little foot prints so cute. She loves playing in the snow, well what little snow there is left!


Aunt T said...

I love the little shoe picture in the snow, and the picture of you and her, 1 of my favorites! =0)

ellissa said...

great pic of you and katelyn, and MAN, i remember that cat!! but how ccan I - - its' been forever. is it a brother or aunt or soemthing?

Yes we all needed a little reminder that spring is on its way.