If you look really closely you can see the blocks in the background. I kept building things and she kept taking it apart. Then when it was time to put the blocks away, I'd put them in the bag and she'd pull them back out. It was like a game to her and every time she'd giggle.
So then we went into the bathroom and Katelyn thought it would be funny to sit in the sink and hold Mommy's tooth paste. Hay whatever make her happy that what I always say!!!
Hahaha that is hysterical!!! It isike she is getting ready to brush her teeth or give herself a bath ahaha.
Taht is a fun game for kids to play, pull them out as you put the toys away...be patient with her as she enjoys this simple game :-)
great shot of her in the sink, one day she is going to look back and say "how did i ever fit" haha. or will taht be YOU saying it?
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