Monday, January 19, 2009

Silly Rabbit!

Today we had a fun filled day of crawling, couch cruising and wall stretches.

Then we watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit. She thought Roger was very funny!!

Next it was time for some Grampy time, while Mommy got some of Daddy's laundry done. Silly Grampy these slippers are too big.

Daddy was so tired when he got home from work that he crawled into Katelyn's crib for a little nap!!!

Hay Daddy this is my bed!

Ok That's All Folks!!!!


Aunt T said...

Omg way, Danny really crawled in there lolol. That is too funny!

I love her in shoes, it looks like she is sitting in some type of car ready to take off lol. Cute pics!

ellissa said...

great blog today!! really clever opening and loved porky pig at the end "that's all folks!"

and yes danny, we have all climbed into the crib at one point or another. And now you know where to go and hide when Amy is mad! haha.