Thursday, January 15, 2009

Off to Grandma's House

Yesterday we went out with Grandma to do some errands. Quick payment to Allstate than lunch and back to Grandma's house.

Katelyn enjoyed some peas and puffs while Mommy ate her Chicken salad.

Here I am all bundled up ready to go to Grandma's House!!!

I love this picture and look at Grandma, she got a new hair cut Gorgeous!!!

Awww Katelyn gives hugs to the ball!!

Grandpa making silly faces at Katelyn, but she has his number!!

Katelyn and Grandma were having so much fun, Ozzy decided to join it.

Time to go home now one last hug for Mommy.


Aunt T said...

I love the picture of you and her on the floor, absolutely adorable!!!!! =0) And you look really good all dressed up in the
1st picture!!!

I love Luan's new haircut, very sassy =D!

Such cute pictures.

Uncle B said...

to grandmothers how ya go.. A) rockin hat lady!
she looks like she has so much fun there, im sure she gets attention from the second she arrives lol.

ellissa said...

OH MAN DON'T YOU LOOK CHIC!!! I LOVE YOU ALL DOLLED UP! And the last picture of you and katelyn all smiley is a great one.

by the way, i'vve never met danny's dad, but him and dan could pass as father and son! hahaha. no they really alike.

and i think katelyn is starting to change a bit, her face. kind of growing up a bit you might say. i will have a more definitive follow-up to this in the coming months when i see more pics of her.