Sunday, November 30, 2008

Snowy Sunday!

Today was busy but fun. Mommy and Daddy had a lot of cleaning to do, not to mention Laundry, Laundry, Laundry!!! But Katelyn kept us busy too with all the giggling and of course knocking everything over she can get her hands on. Which included Daddy's glass mug which broke!!

Mommy finally figured out how to set the self timer on the camera so there should be more pictures of us coming soon. Don't we look cute?

She is differently her Mother's daughter. Can you see what's in her hand? HERSEY!!!


ellissa said...

man, brown is really katelyn's color! she looks great in it Mommy plus you dont see any stains BONUS!

Happy you learned to use the self-timer on your camera, so I look forward to seeing more of your smiling face (not that old tired lady on thanksgiving--keep her in the closet)!

Aunt T said...

Aww, YAY she found the timer lol.

You both look adorable together!!! =0)