Monday, November 17, 2008

Katelyn's Day Cont....

We got all dress up to go out. But as you can see she passed out!!! Things don't always work out the way they're suppose to.

Katelyn sleeping again, which is good cuz she never slept before.

Now it's really time for bed. Smiles all around.

Katelyn gnawing on a pacifier. What a little ham!!!!

Katelyn singing Opera, I guess all that Mozart and Bach is paying off!!!


Aunt T said...

Aww, I like her sleeping she looks cute! And the Opera singing one, that's such a funny face she is making LOL!

ellissa said...

Those are great shots of Katelyn, esp with her mouth open and singing!@ I love the sleeping one, makes me want to cozy up to her! Do you?