Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fun Wednesday!

The day started out with Danny, Katelyn and I going to Walmart, at 8am. Katelyn likes to wake up early. Running around in the kitchen is a good way to release some energy.

Look at that face, she has a sneaky look in her eyes!!

Next Katelyn desidered to feed herself today. I think she liked it more on her fingers than in her mouth.

Look at that messy face, so cute!

Now it's time for a bath. Daddy helps while mommy get the tub ready.

She loves to splash and play in the tub. Mr. Ducky is her favorite water toy. Look at that mohawk, I love it!

I guess mommy needed a bath too, I was soaked. Quite a fun bath tonight.

Finally it's PJ's and off to bed. Nighty-Night all!!!


Aunt T said...

Haha, that is great, I like how you did the whole day that was ko0l!

I love that she fed herself that was hysterical, though I say you take the cake for getting a bath after giving her one lol.

Aunt T said...

Oh yea, the hair YAY lol. You have to show mom the mohawk, she looks so adorable! =D

ellissa said...

First off, AMY MOVE OVER, WE CAN'T SEE YOUR HUGE TV!!!!! And direct TV, love it :-)

Next, Katelyn should seriously feed herself more often, whether with fingers or spoon or whatever, it's really good for them (even though messy). I'm really serious it's very important for them.

you look like you lost all of your baby weight and look so so cute, but seriously MOVE OVER SO WE CAN SEE THE TV!