Sunday, November 16, 2008

Baked Goodies

Here is what I baked yesterday!!!

Ooey Gooey Pumpkin Cake. It was very YUMMY!!!

And here are the Devil's food cupcakes I made special for Danny!!


ellissa said...

NEVER SEND PICTURES OF FOOD TAHT LOOOKS THAT GOOD WITHOUT SENDING SOME IN THE MAIL!!!!! Man that looks awsome. I was wondering what you were so busy baking, good job fellow-Mommy.
PS Inquiring minds what to know what Danny did that deserved him 2 dozen cupcakes!! Please tell.

Aunt T said...

You're such a good baker! I loved the pumpkin gooey, it was out of this world!
Since I could not have the devils food cake ones, Brian filled me in that they were awesome =D!