Uncle Joey had a MD appt. so Aunt Amy got to babysit.

Katelyn greets her cousins with a little hand shakes.

Here is an area view of the babies playing together because I can never get them all to look up at the same time.

Here is Little Payton gnawing on a Lego, look at those those big beautiful eyes.

The babies managed to stay together on the couch for about a half a secord, so this picture will have to do. These little monkeys were all over the place.

Katelyn just had to show off her balancing skills, which she must of gotten from her Daddy cuz Mommy would trip over the air if that were possible!!!

Now Katelyn, Tristan, and Payton are trying to make there escape. And the headless boy in the middle was half way there. HeHe!!!

There he is head and all silly Trisatan was on the move and climbing all over the place. Good luck Joey and Johanna when they start walking!!!!
It was fun but very tiring watching all three babies even though it was only an hour or so. I guess it will give me some practice in taking care of more than one kid, if we decide to have another one day!!!
Good job Amy - it must of been like the Zoo lol. ;0)
I Love the pic with Payton and Joe and also the 3 of them!!!
Better you than me! As adorable as tristan and payton are....better you than me :-)
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