Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sand box fun!!!

Danny and I went to K-Mart and got Katelyn some summertime fun. A green turtle sand box with lid ofcourse, I bet Matteo would love it!! For those of you who don't know Matteo loves green!!!

Katelyn loves it and she has on her new pink croc shoes and Mommy loves how easy they come off.

Sandtoys are always fun, thank you Grammy!

Katelyn loves to play in the sand I'm just surprised she didn't eat the sand!! HeHe!! If you listen real closely you can here Daddy hard at work racking!!!


Aunt T said...

Just adorable...love her new " turtle" sandbox hehe.

Now you have to teach her how to build sand castles =D!

ellissa said...

Yes you are correct, Matteo would have loved this green sandbox...maybe next year though.

How is Katelyn enjoying it?