Friday, December 19, 2008

Katelyn's first Snow Storm!!!

Today Nana, Katelyn and I went to K-Mart, cuz you know we are those nutty people who go out in bad weather. Well technically we went out before the snow then next thing we knew there was like two inches of snow outside, Scary!!!

Here is Katelyn after our little trip out in the snow. She got alittle wet so she's wasn't very happy!!!


Aunt T said...

How can you not love that face, too sweet...little Angel ;0)! Mommy's little Angel =D!!!

ellissa said...

No dear, Katelyn does not look happy at all, haha. Poor chicky, she must have been thinking WHY DID YOU TAKE ME OUT IN A PENDING SNOW STORM MOMMY!! Well at least that is what I am thinking. No no no next time!