Sunday, November 29, 2009

Princess Katelyn!

Katelyn got her Tiara from her cousin Emily, and she definitely wears it well.

Katelyn now likes to climb into things like this shopping cart. Man she gets into everything!!!

Katelyn is waving to all her loyal subjects. As Nanny would said, "Fabulous!!"

Daddy Time!!

I always love to watch Katelyn play with her Daddy.

Wrestling time.... Katelyn just loves to play rough....

Body slam...

Daddy built a slide out of a box, and Katelyn just loved it. My little wild child finally wore herself out like an hour later.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I just would like to said that I am thankful for my family and friends you all mean so much to me.

Toni set the table so elegantly, and wrote a beautiful poem.

Katelyn hamming it up in her new dress Aunt Johanna and Uncle Joey got her last Christmas. We've been wait forever to wear it.

Grampy and Katelyn relaxing before dinner.

Uncle Brian helping Katelyn stand still, so Mommy can get a pic of the whole dress.

Grammy's New Appartment!!

Katelyn loves to motor around Grammy's livingroom floor. Gotta love hardwood floors!

Someone was getting tired, Can you guess who? If you said me your right, Katelyn was up 5 minutes later running around catching the cat.

This is the outfit Grandma got Katelyn for Halloween, so we put it on last week so Grammy could see it in person.

I just love this picture of Katelyn, Grammy and Grandpop!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Choo Choo!!!

A trip to the mall is always fun especially when we stopped to play on the rides.

Katelyn got to try out all the rides at the food court and I didn't have to pay a cent.

The Choo Choo Train was her favorite, it was soooo cute to hear her say, "Choo Choo!!!"

Oct. 4, 2009

Happy B-Day Nanny!!

Mmmmmmmmm Peach Pie nanny's favorite. And boy was it delicious!!

Nanny was very happy to share her B-Day with her family and especially the grand kids.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween Day!!

Well as I said before Katelyn wasn't feeling her best so we went to the Mall and Toys R Us to Trick or Treat. I figured it would keep her out of the cold but she could still get Candy and have a fun day.

Here we are preparing for the big day. Don't you just love the new hair do?

My little Ladybug so cute, I just love this outfit it was a little big but that's OK. She can wear it again next year if she wants.

Here's what happens when you tell Katelyn to say cheese, You get a scunchy face. HeHe!!!!

Even Geoffrey the giraffe came out to wish everyone a Happy Halloween!!

Katelyn ran around the store trying to get candy at the different stations. She had a really good time there and we also got alot of candy at the mall, but by that time Katelyn was no longer walking Mommy was carrying her.

Halloween Day!! Pt. 2

Here's Katelyn taking a break from Trick or Treating at the Mall. Man was it pure Chaos there were kids everywhere.

Joe and Johanna stopped by with the kids, Little Peyton was such a cute Butterfly.

Can you sense a theme here all the kids were bugs. Tristan was a Buzzy Little Bee. So adorable!!!

Now what would Halloween be without Chocolate. Specifically Mallomars it's like a little mini S'more and Katelyn scarfed it right up. Mmmmmmmmmmm so good.

Halloween Eve!!

Well everyone was expecting Katelyn to be a Lady Bug for Halloween (which she was), but she was feeling alittle under the weather. But we promised the girls (Jocelyn and Emily) we'd dress up so we decided to go with this extremely warm Cat costume my cousin Jen gave us for next year.

Oh she was so cute I chase her all over my cousins house and I must have taken like a hundred picture. She was such a good sport about it and I was soooooo surprised she kept the cat hood up the whole time.

Here's the girls not the best picture but Jocelyn's broom kept falling apart, Emily kept running to the bathroom and after all that Katelyn just had enough. So we have a Cat, a Witch, and Super girl.

BTW I dressed up as a Pink Lady (From Grease!!)

Leaves Are Falling!

Well folks it's fall and the leaves are almost all gone now and the cold weather has settled in.

Katelyn doesn't care much about the cold weather, but she sure loves the crackle of the leaves beneath her feet.

Katelyn has really taken to wear and strutting around the house in other people's shoes. These are my slippers but she especially likes to walk around in Nana's shoes!!!

What a Mug!!!

Hi All sorry for the long wait on what's new with Princess Katelyn it's been alittle crazy around here but we're back. See E I told you I'd blog tonight.

Katelyn snuck a cookie but her face had guilty written all over it. I believe this was an oreo cookie but I could be wrong, Katelyn loves all cookies. And I just love her smile!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

And They're Off!!!

We got a visit from the two cutest twins I know!!!

Tristan likes to use Katelyn to get off the floor, but pulling her down so he can get up. It was pretty funny though Katelyn was not laughing.

Tristan is sooooo active now and he's even starting to walk around. Boy Joey and Johanna are really gonna have there hands full.

Here's Little P, she's up and on the move. She's so cute and I just love the stripes.

School Days!

Now for those of you who don't know I pick up my cousins kids at the bus stop and watch them for awhile til she gets home from work.

Here's Katelyn and Jocelyn, she just loves to pick Katelyn up and carry her around.

Here is Jocelyn, Katelyn and Emily being silly just relaxing on the couch. Katelyn just loves playing with the girl it's really sweet, but believe me if Katelyn is not in the mood she lets them know.

Colors, Colors Everywhere!!!

Katelyn is really becoming an artist, she colors everyday. She colors on everything and anything she is so creative, she definitely takes after her Daddy and Grandma.

Sometimes she even colors with both hands at the same time, my little multi-tasker.

Sleepy Head!!

Katelyn just loves to brush her teeth, well mostly bite it. She runs around with her tooth brush and tooth paste like such a big girl, it's so cute.

Slide Time!

Hi Y'all sorry it's been so long, we've been house hunting and it takes up a lot of time. So here is the video I promised E I'd atleast put a new video up.

Katelyn is so fearless as you can see, but Mommy on the other hand not so much. So enjoy the video and I promise to update the blog by this weekend.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Crazy Girl

Katelyn wearing some crazy glasses, she's such a silly girl!!

This is Uncle Frankie's Dog Blaze aka Moe. What a special moment Katelyn just loves dogs especially Blaze!!!

Grocery Shopping!!

Two days ago we went to stop and shop to get a few things, Katelyn was very helpful pushing the cart. She was so cute!!

Katelyn decided that the bottom of the cart was her, so she proceded to put random groceries there (Oat meal, pancake mix, Cherios and what would a trip to the super market be without JELLO!!) Well most of those items were pretty healthy!!

Fair Time!

Dutchess County Fair that is!!!

Time to see some animals. I love this hat and I'm so glad Katelyn finally wore it before it gets to small for her to wear.

Well that was short lived awe well. Daddy and Katelyn stop to pose for a picture. Boy was it a hot day, luckily this area was pretty shaded.

Great shot huh, I bet you can guess who took this pic.

These goats were pretty aggressive, and boy did they get mad when the food was gone!!
It was a very hot day but very fun. We ate so much food we pretty much waddled out the exit. HeHe!!!! Can't wait til next year!!!

House Hunting?

Sorry this is why I have not been blogging in a while, because I spend every free minute searching for a home. So I will try harder to update more often.

Katelyn is very excited that Mommy and Daddy are looking for a home so she can run around and be free to be the looney girl she is.

Daddy liked this house but I don't think it's the one quite yet. So we will keep looking and will keep everyone posted.

She's A Maniac

Katelyn had such a fun time at Grandma's she just had to dance.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Sept. 3, 2009

Chloe's 1 Month Old!!!

Congrats! Ellissa your little girl is 1 month old. Wow the time just flew by, I can't believe it!!! And sorry if the sign doesn't make sense I wasn't sure how to write it! HeHe!!!

Katelyn's new favorite word, "No No No!!!" We made this sign special for Chloe but Katelyn just did not want to hold it. Well anyway can't wait to continue to see your little one grow. That means pictures lots more!!!!